inspirational ideas for profitable sites can only be created through Blogger platform

1.Live broadcast of football games site
No doubt you’ve noticed spread range for this type of sites. Which displays the live broadcast of the various leagues and World Championships for the sport of football and other sports sometimes. But what you may not know is that these sites are in the end only an ordinary blogger blogs have been converted to successful sites found profitable through which offer live broadcasts and direct soccer games. And to transform an ordinary blogger blog site to broadcast football matches you just need to petals things:
Custom template for this type of sites (I mean blogs), which can be found via the Easily purely in the Googleplex for “free templates blogger” or “Free Templates” If you would like to target foreign visitors and this is frankly what I recommend you do. And if you do not find the template that you want by searching, you can easily customize any template and convert it to a template of the Code offers live broadcasts of football games, but this will take you to some effort and time. But in the end it’s worth it.
Special modulated games Code: easiest thing may find it is your matches embed code. Just look for some of the famous sites that broadcast the games, whether Arab or foreign. And then and you’ll find that these sites pose a special embed you can copy and use in your code (I mean your blog).
Facebook page which brings visitors: e.g when I wanted to watch a game. You often find me directly to some Alvesbwokah pages you are interested in football, and that raises the live broadcast of the games. Thus, if you are interested in a profit from this kind of games, do Vespwok off to go to the Create a page related to football and sport in general. And sure to choose a unique name them easy to remember.
As for a way to profit from these sites. I do not advise you never put ads provided by Google Adsense for-profit ones. The fact that provided by Google Adsense policy contradicts the controversy is not likely with this kind of websites because they violate property rights of TV channels conductivity of these games. On the other hand I advise you depending on the annoying ads, which can be achieved through which a respectable profit and there are several other companies and competition for the company provided by Google Adsense provide you with this type of advertising, and allow you to cum in your site, and profit from it, regardless of the content you submit.
2.Site download books
Another innovative way to profit from blogs Blogger easily and without great effort. All you have to do to start earning revenue. Hualbges all great books are very popular among Arab users or even foreigners, and here I emphasize the issue of targeting foreign users even have a bumper profit. After collecting good number of books you will create a blog on the Blogger platform and would proceed to publish these books in a distinctive way. Metla is providing information about the book and its author and number of pages and the language of the book and specialization etc .. Before the piece also advise you to search for a template can keep up with this kind of sites (I mean blogs) and then start racing in the search for some private Alazafat Bpluzr that would Aktar make your professionalism and excellence.
If you are wondering about the way profit from the books download sites. I suggest you petals ways to profit!
Profit from the ads: dearly for this type of sites do not be contrary to the policy provided by Google Adsense. But in the case of whether Ktert communications on your site, provided by Google Adsense will not face competition Trahmk. For the piece if you decide to rely on the Google Adsense for-profit company, I advise that you create a page under the name “Request for property rights” (e.g ) allocated to people who already own a property located in the books your rights. And thus ensure the safety of your site and notifications of irregularities. It is the piece that you can also rely on the annoying ads that we mentioned earlier!
3.Site to view and download movies and TV shows!
Also called Streaming sites. It sites let you watch movies and serials and loaded. It is a very profitable sites, especially if the site is aimed at foreign and Western countries. Most users of the internet find them in the constant search for a way to kill time and wasted in these circumstances Mattel sites out of a certain psychological state. There are already high-end of the boom in these circumstances to the Internet and created a successful sites did not require him to no experience in the design and even programming only depending on the Blogger platform. And frankly this type of sites a lot of time, effort does not need to create it. Just create a blog ordinary blogger, then I am looking for a template in line with the kind of sites, after the piece Start by asking new movies and soap operas to watch them, and do not forget and put links to download them (profit from download sites). To profit from this kind of sites you can rely on any advertising company except Googleplex Odsens company, because these circumstances sites completely contrary to the policy. I suspect that the annoying ads will guarantee you a profit on a respectable
4.Games site
Finally, and not the last .. conclude this unique and which enables you to make a good profit from your site which you can create it by relying solely on the blogger way. But you will ask me .. How can I create games and I’m not a developer of games ?? Do not worry there are many famous sites that provide embed games on its existing code .. all you need to do the piece were copied code and go to the blogger platform and specifically the section of HTML and Bocuad tmp you copy the code. But first you should look for a custom template for this type of sites, which I think you’ll find easily Pttiq above and mentioned. What applies to broadcast the games sites also apply to gaming sites. As for the method of profit you may wish to rely on the Googleplex Odsens company or one of the other companies and alternative competitors
So this was the best four ideas can be applied to create professional sites from Blogger blog. And by which you can achieve significant profits, Please does not believe that as soon as your knowledge of these methods, I will begin immediately in profit to achieve without trouble, make a profit always needs to work hard and continuous (at least initially), whether on the Internet or even on the ground. I know that there are other creative ways can be applied to create a very profitable sites from Blogger platform. For the piece I invite you to share our own ways acknowledge that already let you profit through the creation of successful sites relying solely on Blogger.
inspirational ideas for profitable sites can only be created through Blogger platform  inspirational ideas for profitable sites can only be created through Blogger platform Reviewed by Unknown on 17:44 Rating: 5

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